The San Bernardino County Solid Waste Management Division has successfully completed the construction of a new 4.8-acre lined waste cell at the San Timoteo Sanitary Landfill. This essential project, which took thirteen months to complete, enhances waste disposal capacity while incorporating advanced environmental protections.

A key feature of the new waste cell is its enhanced groundwater protection system, designed to safeguard the surrounding environment and public health. By implementing state-of-the-art lining and drainage technologies, the project ensures that potential contaminants are properly managed, reinforcing the County’s commitment to responsible waste disposal.

Completed in November 2024, the new waste cell is expected to provide sufficient capacity for the next one to two years, helping to meet the ongoing disposal needs of residents in the region.

The Solid Waste Management Division funds its projects through fees collected from waste disposal services, ensuring that essential infrastructure improvements continue without the need for additional taxpayer funding. This sustainable approach allows the County to maintain and upgrade waste management facilities while prioritizing environmental stewardship and efficiency.

For more information about waste disposal services and ongoing projects, visit the San Bernardino County Solid Waste Management Division’s website or contact their office.