Coastal California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californicus)

This small, inconspicuous coastal California gnatcatcher flies over the coastal sage scrub plant community in search of food. A predominantly bluish gray bird, its darker back and mostly black tail contrast with its lighter-colored belly.
This bird depends upon coastal sage scrub. It can live nowhere else. Historically this bird ranged from coastal sage scrub areas of southern Ventura County extending southward to Baja California, Mexico. Since 1990 there have been seven California locations in southwestern San Bernardino County. These locations are in Lytle Creek wash, Santa Ana River wash, Etiwanda Fan, and Jurupa Hills. The Coastal California gnatcatcher is a federally listed threatened species.
Information on federally-listed threatened and endangered species can be found at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife website at Information on State-listed threatened and endangered species can be found at the California Dept. of Fish and Game website at