Mojave River Vole (Microtus californicus mohavensis)

The Mojave River Vole, also referred to as the Mojave River meadow mouse, is a federal listed Species of Concern, as well as listed by the state as a Species of Special Concern. The primary threats to the Mojave River voles are the destruction and fragmentation of habitat resulting from agriculture and urbanization.
The Mojave River vole likes habitat that is moist, including meadows, freshwater marshes and irrigated pastures in location surrounding the Mojave River between elevations of 750-823 meters. This vole has been found between Victorville and Helendale. Appropriate habitat may also exist upstream of Victorville towards Hesperia.
The Mojave River vole is a large vole compared to other voles, measuring 190-214 mm in total length. The fur is brown overlaid with longer black hairs above, with grayish below. The feet are paler that the rest of the body. The tail is distinctly bicolored; black above, brown below, and averages one-third of the length of the head and body. The eyes are small and the ears are camouflaged, and fur –covered.