Santa Ana River Watershed Stormwater Resource Plan

The District has developed a Stormwater Resource Plan (SWRP) for the San Bernardino County portion of the Santa Ana River Watershed (SBC SARW).  The SWRP was funded, in part, by Proposition 1 Stormwater Grant Program, administered through the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board).  Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions link below to learn more about what a SWRP is, why it was developed, and the goals of the plan.

The SWRP was prepared considering guidance set forth in the SWRP Guidelines developed by the State Board, for which the link is provided below.  The following information is included in the SWRP, consistent with the guidelines:

  • Description of watershed and sub-watersheds covered in the plan, including water quality priorities, identification of surface water and groundwater resources, account of local water supplies and suppliers, and a summary of existing natural habitat and open space within the watershed
  • Identification of existing regional water management groups, public agencies, governments, non-profit organizations, utilities, and other stakeholders and the development of a process by which organizers of the SWRP consult, cooperate, and collaborate with each other
  • Quantitative methods for identification and prioritization of stormwater and dry-weather runoff capture projects, including an integrated metrics based analysis of multi-benefit projects
  • Identification and prioritization of stormwater projects based on how each project would improve water supply, water quality, flood management, environmental, and community benefits
  • Identification of resources for plan implementation and project scheduling, including strategies for maintaining and amending the SWRP for future projects through an adaptive management process
  • Provisions for community participation in plan development and implementation

The SBC SARW SWRP development was a collaborative process that involved a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), stakeholders, and the community.  The District has partnered with stakeholders and taken input from the public to identify projects that provide multiple benefits, including water quality, water supply, flood management, environmental, and community benefits.  Stakeholders and the public were asked to review and provide comments on the draft SBC SARW SWRP.  The Final SWRP is posted below.



External Resources

Contact Us

Arlene Chun
Stormwater Program Manager