The San Bernardino County Flood Control District is proud to be a key participant in the Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) project at Seven Oaks Dam. In collaboration with the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes at UC San Diego, we are working to enhance water management in our region.
A multi-agency Steering Committee has been established to explore how advanced weather forecasts—specifically those related to atmospheric rivers and other storm systems—can inform and guide flexible reservoir operations at Seven Oaks Dam. The goal is to enhance water conservation efforts and protect local habitats through strategic water releases, all while maintaining the Seven Oaks Dam’s critical flood risk management objectives.
We are excited to announce that the Seven Oaks Dam FIRO Workplan has been published. This workplan is the first step for the comprehensive FIRO viability assessment process, providing essential background and outlining the scope of the project. Following the publication of the workplan, the Steering Committee will be working on the Preliminary Viability Assessment (PVA).
The FIRO team will soon be developing a detailed PVA outline, which will include a comprehensive list of tasks and assignments. This will be followed by a technical workshop, after which all teams will proceed to the next phase of the project. The PVA will address meteorological, hydrologic, engineering, and environmental factors related to implementing FIRO at Seven Oaks Dam, providing important information for local sponsors and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as they consider incorporating these findings into the Water Control Manual (WCM). The PVA will determine the feasibility of FIRO at Seven Oaks Dam and identify any additional analyses needed to develop the Final Viability Assessment (FVA) and update the WCM.
Please see the links below for your reference.
Workplan for Seven Oaks Dam Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations
Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations | San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (sbvmwd.com)
Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Seven Oaks Dam
Stay tuned for more updates as we work together to improve water management and environmental protection in San Bernardino County.