Survey Office

The Survey Office Section is comprised of office staff engaged in various areas of responsibility. The principal functions include:

The review and approval of subdivision maps within the unincorporated county areas and under contract with certain cities as required by Government Code and local ordinances.

Review and approval of all Records of Survey and Corner Records within the county submitted by Professional Land Surveyors in conformance to the Business and Professions Code, local ordinances and standard practices.

Prepare, review and approve various district boundaries for the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) as required by the State Board of Equalization. These include but are not limited to Special Districts, County School Districts, Water Districts, Fire Districts, County Service Districts and other jurisdictional boundaries as required by the Board of Equalization.

Prepare, review and approve legal descriptions for Lot Line Adjustments, boundary acquisitions and vacations and road dedications.

Represent the County Surveyor on the Development Review Committee for proposed development to discuss potential impacts on the public in general and to recommend solutions.

Assist the public in matters relating to land boundaries and provide a research center for the public to access all recorded and filed maps in the county.

Maintains the County’s Geographic Information System (GIS) parcel basemap database and Public Works GIS data. Coordinates the creation and maintenance of the Department of Public Works GIS projects and data. Ensures spatial accuracy of existing parcel lines included within the Parcel Base Map and all newly created parcel lines.


CAD (.dwg) Templates

For Information Regarding the Research Center
Please use this link

For Information Regarding Final Maps (Tract Maps), Parcel Maps, Records of Survey and Corner Records and LAFCO
Please Contact: Sam Ochoa 
(909) 387-8152