
In order create a county in which those who reside and invest here can prosper and achieve well-being, Public Works strives to provide a County roadway system that supports the safe, efficient, and convenient movement of people and goods. Public Works accomplishes this through a variety of functions that are performed within the Traffic Division.

Traffic Study Guidelines

Maintain records of County roads and related assets
Review of development related studies and plans
Design of traffic plans
Design and maintenance of traffic signals
Requests from the public for traffic control devices
Procedures and guidelines for renaming county roads

Maintain Records of County Roads and Related Assets

The County of San Bernardino maintains over 2,500 miles of roads in the unincorporated areas which is known as the County Maintained Road System (CMRS). The Traffic Division is responsible for documenting additions and deletions, as approved by the Board of Supervisors, to the CMRS.

In addition, the County has over 100,000 traffic control devices such as signs, pavement markings and guard rails installed on the CMRS. The Traffic Division is responsible for keeping records on the location and condition of these devices.

The County also has over 300 bridges that are located on the CMRS. Some of these bridges have weight limits. The Traffic Division maintains a listing of these bridge locations and any weight limits approved by the Board of Supervisors.

Lastly, there are over 80 railroad-highway grade crossings involving the CMRS. The Traffic Division maintains a listing of these crossings

Development Review

When a new development is proposed within the unincorporated areas of the County, the Traffic Division provides a review of the traffic related portions in cooperation with the Department of Land Use Services. For projects which generate a sufficient amount of traffic, more than 100 trips during the peak hour, or are in areas where congestion exists, a traffic study may be required as part of the project’s approval process. The Traffic Division is responsible for reviewing and approving these traffic studies.

Once a project has been approved by the Board of Supervisors, developers will submit street improvement plans for review and approval. The Traffic Division reviews these plans with respect to the installation of new or the modification of existing signs, roadway striping and pavement markings. If the project involves traffic signals, the Traffic Division will also review the associated signal plans.

Once the street improvement plans have been approved and as part of the permit process through Public Works, the Traffic Division will review plans for controlling traffic during the construction.

Development Related Fees

View the transportation fees page

Design of Traffic Plans

For capital improvement projects designed by Public Works, the Traffic Division is responsible for preparing plans, specifications and cost estimates for signing and striping and traffic signals. During the construction of these projects, the Traffic Division may prepare or provide review of traffic control plans to handle traffic during construction. The Traffic Division will also provide final inspection services for signing, striping and traffic signals.

Traffic Signals

The County has over 90 traffic signals and 30 flashing beacons located on the CMRS. The Traffic Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of these locations. The Traffic Division also conducts analyses of traffic signal warrants and maintains a list of intersections where traffic signals may be needed. The Traffic Division oversees the maintenance of signals and flashing beacons through a contract awarded to a private contractor specializing in such maintenance.

To check if the signal you are interested in is County maintained, view the maintained signal list.

In case of a malfunctioning signal during business hours please contact the Traffic Division at (909) 387-8186 or by submitting an email. Outside of business hours, on weekends, and holidays, please contact County Communications at (909) 356-3805.

Public Requests

When members of the public would like to request traffic control devices such as signs and pavement markings, the Traffic Division will conduct engineering to process such requests. The following are examples of requests commonly received by the Traffic Division from the public:

  • Street Name Signs
  • Speed Limit Signs
  • Stop Signs
  • No Parking Signs
  • Signs restricting parking or use of roads by commercial vehicles
  • Crosswalk Markings

To request one of these or another traffic related device, please contact the Traffic Division at (909) 387-8186 or by submitting an email. For email submittals please be as specific about the request as possible and be sure to provide an email or phone number where we can contact you.

Public Information

Please click on the following links for information available from the Traffic Division. By clicking any of the links on this page to access the following information, you agree to the terms of the Disclaimer cited at the bottom of this page.


The electronic, unofficial versions of the above-identified documents are provided for the convenience of the public. While every effort is made to update this site to provide the most accurate and current version of the documents, this site cannot be relied on to include the most recent changes or amendments to the documents. To insure that you obtain the most accurate, current and official version of any of the documents, you must contact the San Bernardino County Department of Public Works at: 825 E. 3rd Street, Room 115, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0835. The County of San Bernardino, its officers and employees, assume no obligation for, and shall not be held liable for, any actions taken or omissions made by you in reliance on the information provided in the above-identified documents. Further, neither the County of San Bernardino, nor any of its officers and employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the above-identified documents.

For Information Contact

Anthony Pham, P.E.
Engineering Manager