The new traffic signal at the Glen Helen Parkway and Devore Road intersection was completed in February 2025 and became operational on February 19, 2025. The signal is designed with six phases and includes permissive left turns for both northbound and southbound approaches, helping to improve traffic management and safety.

This new signal features a two-stage design: the interim setup currently in place and the ultimate configuration planned for the future, once the Glen Helen Parkway Bridge Over Cajon Wash Project is completed. The existing design supports the northbound approach of Glen Helen Parkway and the southbound departure, while pole foundations and most hardware will be carried over to the ultimate configuration.

This signal project is part of the development of a new private dispatch facility at 1924 Glen Helen Rd in Devore. As a congestion mitigation measure, the signal is expected to service new and existing traffic volume at this crucial intersection. While the signal project was designed to benefit the new facility, the improvements will also serve the broader community by facilitating smoother access to the I-15 and I-215 freeways. The project developer oversaw the construction of the signal, with funding support from existing developer fees at the intersection.