Budget & Finance
Budget and Finance Section is responsible for preparing, monitoring, and publishing monthly, quarterly and annual budget reports, including budget studies for the Flood Control City Engineer Meetings. In addition, this section is responsible for administrating the work order system, revenue claiming, analyzing and implementing fees, monitoring cash and performing cash flow forecast, assisting in the acquisition of letters of credit and the preparation of the annual disclosure to satisfy bond holders, and providing financial and contract administration for the National Pollutant Discharge Program. Developing the annual road budget, financial management of the road fund, Measure “I” program, and developer fee programs.
For Information Contact
Detailed Contact Information | |
Flood Control Brandon Camacho Budget Officer 909-387-8083 Brandon.Camacho@dpw.sbcounty.gov | Transportation Anaim Garibay Budget Officer 909-387-8123 Anaim.Garibay@dpw.sbcounty.gov |
Surveyor/Solid Waste Management Ysenia Cox Budget Officer 909-387-8085 Ysenia.Cox@dpw.sbcounty.gov Aimee Westrom Chief Financial Officer 909-387-1873 Aimee.Westrom@dpw.sbcounty.gov | Melissa Hale Principal Budget Officer 909-387-8125 Melissa.Hale@dpw.sbcounty.gov |
Procurement Support Section
Procurement Support Section is responsible for procuring materials and services necessary to perform maintenance on the County of San Bernardino’s maintained roads and flood control facilities. This section continuously solicits new vendors to provide: Road Materials; Heavy Equipment Rentals; Tree Trimming and Removal Services; and Storm Maintenance Services.