The Culvert Crossing at Oak Glen Road and Birch Creek was damaged, beyond repair, during Tropical Storm Hillary on August 20th. The County has been working expeditiously to replace the culvert and reopen Oak Glen Road to the public. A detour is in place ensuring that access to all residents and businesses is available and not restricted. The damaged culvert was removed on September 1st. Pre-cast culvert boxes were made in the factory and delivered to the site on September 11th. Currently, the site is being graded and prepared for the installation of the boxes. The footings to anchor the boxes are being dug and poured while the department continues to work with the Federal/State Agencies for funding and Environmental Clearance. The culvert boxes are anticipated to be set on September 26th and the road paved the first week in October. The project is expected to be completed in under two months from the storm incident.