Permits Division

Transportation Permits

This section is responsible for developing, processing, administering, and issuing; encroachment, construction, excavations, moving, special event, and tree removal permits on a routine basis. Other duties include coordination of road closures and permit activities with Contracts and Operations personnel, other public agencies and public utilities; preparing written reports on permit matters; investigating and reporting on permit violations and complaints; revising of developing permit procedures as recommended by the Department Director and/or the Board of Supervisors. The section also performs permit and utility inspections; subdivision construction inspections to insure that roads in new developments are constructed to County standards and specifications; maintaining permit inspection plans, reports and files; managing bond records for approved projects that deal with routine bond items, extensions and foreclosures; also coordinates items with County Counsel and testifying in court on foreclosure matters. It is also responsible for coordinating with the County Office of Emergency Services, State Office of Emergency Services, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency in planning for emergencies and obtaining reimbursement for damages incurred during declared disasters.

Flood Control Permits

The Flood Control Permit Section provides relevant permit information and processes encroachment permit applications for work within the San Bernardino County Flood Control District’s right-of-way. The Section coordinates Departmental reviews and issues permits for activities such as construction projects, land use permits and general encroachment within District right-of-way. Permit types, procedures and compliance requirements vary with magnitude, location and type of project. Please contact the Permit Section office with specific questions regarding your project or for additional information.  

For Information Contact

Johnny Gayman
Engineering Manager