Soil Removal Permit Program

Surplus Material List

A permit must be obtained before any material can be removed from the District’s right-of-way. A permit application must be filled out with all appropriate information included by the permittee. If a permit request for 10,000 cubic yards or less is desired, the District may issue a permit within 48 hours or less. A material charge will apply based on the current Schedule of Fees Ordinance. Material quantities over 10,000 cubic yards will be made available through a competitive proposal process.

A listing of available surplus material is updated and posted to this web site at the first of each month. In addition, the District will post flyers to this web site advertising upcoming proposal dates for selected locations. These proposal notices may also be received via fax or email. Please contact the Permits office at 909-387-7995 to be added to the notification process. The successful Proposer will be issued a permit that may take two to four weeks for processing. A generic permit is available for review to become familiar with the permit provisions prior to submitting a proposal.


Flyer 2/10/25 – Selling Material   

Flyer 2/24/23 – San Sevaine Basin   

Flyer 7/16/19 – San Timoteo Basins                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Flyer 6/4/2019 – Bandicoot Basin

Flyer 5/30/2019 – Day Creek

Flyer 03/04/2019 – San Timoteo Basins

Flyer 02/28/2019 – San Sevaine Basin #5

Flyer 02/14/2019 – San Sevaine Basin #5 This job walk was rescheduled

Flyer 10/31/2018 – Bandicoot Basin

Flyer 10/30/2018 – Day Creek

Flyer 8/01/2018 – San Sevaine #5

Flyer 4/19/2018 – Day Creek

Flyer 4/11/2018 – Bandicoot Basin

Flyer 2/1/2018 – San Sevaine #5

Flyer 9/26/2017 – San Timoteo Basins

Flyer 8/9/2017 – Bandicoot Basin

Flyer 8/1/2017 – San Sevaine #5

Flyer 7/1/2016 – Santa Ana River