The San Bernardino County Public Works has completed the 5th Street and Pedley Road Intersection Signal Project in the San Bernardino City Area. The project construction contract cost was $888,000 and was funded by City of San Bernardino funds, Senate Bill 1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account revenue, and the Community Development Block Grant. The work, in general, consists of installing traffic signal and lighting, widening intersection, constructing ADA ramps, removing and constructing asphalt pavement; cold plane, construct concrete spandrel, cross gutter, driveway, sidewalks and curb and gutter; and install detectable warning surface, paint traffic stripes and pavement markings. This project aligns with the County and Board of Supervisor’s goals and objectives of ensuring development of a well-planned, balanced, and sustainable County and providing for the safety, health, and social needs of County residents.