The San Bernardino County has completed the Chino Montclair ADA Ramps Project on 50 Ramps within Chino and Montclair area. The Project construction contract cost was $819,705.00 and was funded with SB1 and by the City of Montclair. The Chino Montclair ADA Ramps Project in general consists of  removal of existing asphalt concrete and concrete surface;  mill and overlay; grading and construct curb and gutter, spandrel and/or cross gutter, ADA ramp with detectable warning surface, concrete sidewalk, retaining curb, and grouted rock; reset roadside sign; adjust to grade existing water valve; paint traffic stripe and pavement markings; construct hydrant pad; paint red curb and doing other work. The Project aligns with the County and Board of Supervisor’s goals and objectives of ensuring the development of a well-planned, balanced, and sustainable county and providing safety, health, and social service needs of County residents.