The San Bernardino County Public Works has completed the Newmark Elementary School Sidewalks in the Arrowhead Farms Area. The project construction contract cost was $1,211,436.09 and was funded with the Department of Public Works existing General Fund allocation for the Maintenance of Effort requirement as part of the Senate Bill 1 – Road Repair and Accountability Act, and with Community Development Block Grant funds administered by the Community Development and Housing Department. The work, in general, consists of construction of new sidewalks, curbs and gutters, driveway approaches, and curb ramps all designed to meet current design standards and American with Disabilities Act guidelines. This project aligns with the County and Board of Supervisors’ goals and objectives of ensuring development of a well-planned, balanced, and sustainable County and providing for the safety of County residents by preserving and improving the structural integrity of existing road surfaces and access for pedestrians, including those with disabilities.

