*Information regarding the new successor High Desert Corridor Joint Powers Agency can be found at www.highdesertcorridor.org

High Desert Corridor
The County of San Bernardino, County of Los Angeles, and the Cities of Adelanto, Victorville, Apple Valley, Lancaster, and Palmdale have formed a Joint Power Authority (JPA) to develop a new freeway/expressway from SR14 to I-15. The High Desert Corridor (HDC) began as a proposed highway project connecting the counties of Los Angeles and San Bernardino. However, through the leadership of the HDC Joint Powers Authority together with Metro, SANBAG and Caltrans, the HDC has evolved into a proposed multipurpose corridor that could connect Antelope Valley in Los Angeles County with Victor Valley in San Bernardino County. Consequently, the HDC study also considers how a high-speed rail connection, a bikeway and green energy element may be integrated to create a truly sustainable project.
The purpose of the HDC is to improve east-west mobility within the High Desert region of Southern California by addressing present and future travel demands and mobility needs. The HDC also aims to improve travel safety and reliability, while connecting residential, commercial and industrial areas in the Antelope and Victor Valleys, including the cities of Palmdale, Lancaster, Adelanto, Victorville and the Town of Apple Valley. The HDC environmental and technical studies will consider the importance of improved access and connectivity to regional transportation facilities, including airports, existing passenger rail and future high-speed rail systems.
As envisioned, the multipurpose nature of the proposed HDC has the potential to bring a number of added benefits, including: creation of valuable jobs in the desert region that could help limit the number of vehicle miles traveled into the Los Angeles basin for work; establish the potential for creation of inland ports along the HDC that would provide needed congestion relief for the region; and stimulate the development of green energy strategies for surrounding land uses and infrastructure.
The environmental clearance (CEQA and NEPA) for the project was completed and certified in June 2016. The project is “shovel ready”. Please see the brochure for more information.
Chair Kathryn Barger, Supervisor, Los Angeles County Fifth District
Vice Chair Col. Paul Cook (Ret.), Supervisor, San Bernardino County First District
Board Member Ara Najarian, Council Member, City of Glendale
Board Member Darrell Dorris, Council Member, City of Lancaster
Board Member Steven D. Hofbauer, Mayor, City of Palmdale
Board Member Gabriel Reyes, Mayor, City of Adelanto
Board Member Debra Jones, Mayor, City of Victorville
Board Member Scott Nassif, Council Member, Town of Apple Valley
HSR Rail Ridership and Revenue Forecast Results
The High Desert Corridor (HDC) Joint Powers Authority (JPA) held a webinar on Thursday, March 2, 2017 for the much anticipated public release of the High Speed Rail Ridership & Revenue Forecast Results for the corridor connecting Southern California with Las Vegas, Nevada by high speed rail (HSR). The rail ridership and revenue forecast results revealed a significant demand for high speed rail service from Southern California to Las Vegas, Nevada – further reinforcing the project’s financial viability and boosting private sector interest.
If you were not able to participate in the live webinar and would like to find out more about the HSR Ridership and Revenue Forecast Results, click on the links below to view the video recording of the webinar and supporting materials, including the Executive Summary for the HSR Ridership & Revenue Forecast Study.
The Map of HDC Rail Connector Project
Webinar Intro Video with JPA Board Members (3 minutes)
Webinar Video Recording (43 minutes)
HDC JPA Press Release
HSR Ridership & Revenue Forecast Study

High Desert Corridor Joint Powers Authority (HDC JPA)
Next JPA Board meeting:
*The High Desert Corridor (HDC) JPA is dissolving with San Bernardino County’s withdrawal effective June 30, 2022. A winding down of affairs is occurring due to the dissolution of the JPA. The former HDC JPA Members and Directors are in the process of forming a new successor JPA.
High Desert Corridor Workshop
September 13, 2018
10:30 a.m.
Overall Outline
SBCTA High Desert Corridor Workshop
CDM Smith
Alternative Alignment HDC
Rail Presentations
385 N. Arrowhead Ave.
Citrus Room – Fifth Floor
San Bernardino, CA 92415
Policy and Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC)
Next PTAC meeting:
To be determined
L.A. County Dept. of Agricultural
Commissioner/Weights & Measures
12300 Lower Azusa Road
Arcadia, CA 91006
Past Meetings
Arthur V. Sohikian,
Executive Director
arthur@avsconsultinginc.com(213) 629-4287
HDC Regional and Land Use Considerations
Bradco Report- High Desert Corridor- Spring 2013
Letter of Objection to Members of the California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA)
Signature Request Letter to Governor Brown Re: SB 767 (De Leon)
High Desert Corridor JPA Board Action Letter
Project Map
Project Map and Info
sb4 and Project Delivery Method Presentation
SB 4 and Project Delivery Options Presentation (8/09)
April 10, 2013 – HDCJPA Letter of Support for XpressWest RRIF
February 24, 2014 – Federal Railroad Administration Response Letter
Additional Links
City of Victorville
LA Metro Links
High Desert Corridor Project